Ila Pillalamarri


Title: Research Scientist, Associate
Phone: 575-234-5550




Trained in Nuclear Physics (Ph. D.), Radiation Health Physics (M. S.), Nuclear Instrumentation (M. S.); has varied experiential background in nuclear analytical techniques: Thermal, Epithermal, Fast Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), radiometric gamma-ray spectrometry, performing high accuracy and precision trace element analysis of rare earth elements and trace elements in geological, biological, environmental and synthetic materials, trace impurity analysis of high purity elements; was manager of INAA laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and operating member of the laboratory for deep sea drilling scientific projects of National Science Foundation; developed and published interdisciplinary research topics for informal science education courses on MIT Open Course Ware. Thus brings the expertise of radiometric gamma spectrometry; laboratory management, training and operation, enhancement of research outreach capability to the ID lab. Current research interests include: – Low background radioactivity measurements – Radiometric Gamma-ray Analysis. – Precision measurement of absorbed radiation dose for low dose dosimetry studies. – Development and presentation of special, interdisciplinary research topics in Earth Sciences and Internal Dosimetry as courses for informal science education (ISE) and public out reach.