Public Baseline Results

Public  baseline results are presented in the following table. To maintain confidentiality, no individual results are presented. To interpret the monitoring results, one should compare the percentage of results greater than adecision level (LC) for the operational monitoring counts to the same percentage for the baseline counts. If the operational monitoring percentage is statistically greater than the baseline percentage, this suggests that a particular radionuclide may now be present (or present at a greater frequency) in the local population. The percentage of results greater than LC for operational monitoring would be considered statistically different from the baseline percentage ifthe baseline percentage is not contained within the margin of error for the operational monitoring percentage

Count Results as of June 1, 2003

Radionuclide In Vivo Count Type Baseline Counts
(prior to 3/27/99)
n = 367
Public Monitoring Counts
(3/27/99 through 6/1/03)
n = 508
% of Results >a   LC % of Results >a   LC b   Margin of Error (%)
241   Am Lung 5 4 3 to 6
144   Ce Lung 5 4 2 to 5
252   Cf Lung 4 6 4 to 9
244   Cm Lung 6 4 3 to 6
155   Eu Lung 7 4 3 to 6
237   Np Lung 4 4 2 to 5
210   Pb Lung 4 5 3 to 7
Lung 6 6 4 to 8
232   Th
via212   Pb
Lung c   34 c   36 32 to 40
232   Th Lung 5 6 4 to 7
232   Th
via228   Th
Lung 4 5 3 to 7
233   U Lung 6 9 7 to 12
235   U
/226   Ra
Lung 11 10 7 to 13
Uranium via 234   Th
Lung 5 6 4 to 8
133   Ba Whole Body 4 3 2 to 5
140   Ba Whole Body 5 4 3 to 6
141   Ce Whole Body 4 4 2 to 6
58   Co Whole Body 4 3 2 to 5
60   Co Whole Body c   55 c   31 27 to 36
51   Cr Whole Body 6 5 3 to 7
134   Cs Whole Body 2 2 1 to 4
137   Cs Whole Body 28 22 18 to 25
152   Eu Whole Body 7 6 4 to 8
154   Eu Whole Body 4 3 2 to 5
155   Eu Whole Body 4 4 2 to 6
59   Fe Whole Body 4 6 4 to 8
131   I Whole Body 5 3 1 to 5
133   I Whole Body 3 4 2 to 5
192   Ir Whole Body 4 4 2 to 6
40   K Whole Body 100 100 d   NC
54   Mn Whole Body c   12 c   10 8 to 13
103   Ru Whole Body 2 1 0 to 2
106   Ru Whole Body 4 4 2 to 5
125   Sb Whole Body 5 4 2 to 6
232   Th
via228   Ac
Whole Body c   35 c   25 22 to 29
88   Y Whole Body 8 6 4 to 8
65   Zn Whole Body 0 0 d   NC
95   Zr Whole Body 7 5 3 to 6